Terms and Conditions ("Terms")

This document (the “Terms”) governs the relationship between We and you in relation to your access and use of the online platform for generating AI voiceovers, currently located at our app. Sexy Connect provides a suite of AI voice manipulation tools that enable users of the Sexy Connect Platform to:
Upload a vocal file (“Dataset”) to train and create a synthetic AI voice model that imitates the voice contained in such Dataset (“Custom Voice Model”);
Convert text or audio into an audio file in the voice of one of our Custom Voice Models; “Conversions”);
Upload audio files for audio manipulation, including extracting vocals from audio files containing instrumentals or removing reverb from vocal recordings; and such other tools, features and functionalities as Sexy Connect may make available from time to time (referred to together as the “Services”). We refer to everyone who accesses or uses the Sexy Connect Platform or the Services as a “User”.

The Terms form a legally binding agreement between you and us. Please take time to read them carefully.

1. Your acceptance of these terms
1.1 By accessing and using the Sexy Connect Platform, and the Services made available through it, you agree to be bound by these Terms, as may be amended or varied from time to time. Your acceptance is on your behalf. For the purpose of these Terms, “you” and “your” means you as the User of the Sexy Connect Platform and the Services.
1.2 You also acknowledge that our Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice (in each case, as amended from time to time) apply to our use of your personal data and cookies (and other similar technologies) in relation to the Sexy Connect Platform. Please review these Terms, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy and save a copy of them for your future reference.
1.3 If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us using the contact details at the end of these Terms.
2. Our Right to update these terms
2.1 We may amend or vary these Terms at any time and for any reason, including to reflect changes affecting the Sexy Connect Platform, our Services, our technology, our licensing arrangements, our payment policies, best practices, relevant laws and/or regulatory requirements.
2.2 Where we make changes to these Terms in an adverse way to you (unless such change is to comply with applicable law or regulation), we will notify you in advance and give you the opportunity to cancel your subscription if you are unhappy with those changes.
2.3 Any revised terms or policies will be made available to you at here and a notification of any material changes will be emailed to you. Please take a moment to read the changes. If you continue to use the Sexy Connect Platform after we make the changes, you will be deemed to agree to the changes. If you do not agree to the changes, you should not use the Sexy Connect Platform.
2.4 This version of the Terms is effective from the date specified at the top of this page. Previous versions of the Terms can be found here.
3. Registering your account
3.1 In order to use or access certain parts of the Sexy Connect Platform you may be required to register for an account (an “Account”) by providing certain personal information about yourself, a username and password of your choosing (“Registration Data”). Our services are not directed to children under the age of 13, and you must confirm that you are 13 years or older to create an Account and use the Services. If you are under 18 years old, you must have the consent of your parent or guardian to access and use the Sexy Connect Platform. You should review these Terms with them. If you are a parent or guardian of a User who is under 18, by allowing them to use the Sexy Connect Platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms and you are responsible for their use of the Platform.
3.2 All Users must only use the Services for domestic and private use. You agree not to use our Services for any commercial or business purposes.
3.3 You shall ensure that your Registration Data, and any other information or data (including personal data) that you provide to us (“User Data”) in relation to your Account, is true and accurate, and kept up to date. We will use your personal data as set out in our Privacy Policy.
3.4 You are responsible for your use of the Sexy Connect Platform or any other use that you have authorised. You are also responsible for keeping your Registration Data secure and protecting it against unauthorised use and for ensuring the security of any device from which you sign into your Account. If you fail to do so, you are responsible for any unauthorised use of the Sexy Connect Platform using your Registration Data, and we shall have no liability to you in respect of such use. We recommend that you change your password from time to time to assist with security.
3.5 If you believe someone has accessed the Sexy Connect Platform using your username and password without your authorisation, it is your responsibility to set up a new password. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorised use of your Registration Data.
3.6 User names and profile images must not: (i) be obscene or offensive, (ii) infringe any third party rights, (iii) mislead anyone as to your identity, or (iv) otherwise (in our absolute discretion) be considered inappropriate. We may ask you to change any element of your username or profile image at any time, or change it directly ourselves (in which case we will send a message to your registered email address explaining this).
4. Subscription tiers
Sexy Connect offers several subscription tiers for Users (Credits, Creator or Power User). Some subscription tiers may have differing features, conditions and limitations, which will be disclosed to you prior to when you sign up or in other communications made available to you. You can find specific details regarding the different subscription tiers here.
5. Subscription fees
5.1 Access to the Sexy Connect Platform and the Services is conditional on the payment of the fees in relation to your applicable subscription tier (“Subscription Fees”).
5.2 By registering for a subscription tier you agree that: to use the Services you must provide us with a current, valid method of payment accepted by us (“Payment Method”), as may be updated from time to time; we will charge a Subscription Fee to your Payment Method when you sign up to the Service and monthly thereafter, unless you cancel your subscription before your monthly payment date. Please visit the Settings page to see your next payment date.; and you authorise us to charge the Subscription Fee for the next billing cycle to your Payment Method.
5.3 We may change the prices that apply to our subscription tiers and Services. We will provide you with at least 30 days’ prior written notice of any changes to our pricing. If you do not agree to the price change or any other changes to your subscription plan, you can cancel your subscription before such change takes effect.
5.4 If we can’t charge your Payment Method because it has expired, you have insufficient funds or for any other reason, and you don’t cancel your subscription, we might restrict your access to our Services and continue to try to charge you until a valid Payment Method is charged. Some Payment Methods might incur additional charges, such as foreign transaction fees or other fees related to payment processing. The taxes you pay might differ based on your chosen Payment Method or location. Please consult your payment service provider for more information.
5.5 You can update your Payment Methods by visiting the Settings page. Following any such change, you authorise us to charge the updated Payment Method.
6. Subscription cancellation
6.1 Your subscription to our Services will continue on a rolling monthly basis until terminated by us or cancelled by you. To cancel your subscription, log into your Account and follow the instructions for cancellation on the Settings page.
6.2 You can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to the Services until the end of the relevant billing period. If you cancel your subscription, your Account will automatically close at the end of your current billing period.
7. Your right to change your mind
7.1 You have 14 days after the date we confirm your subscription order to change your mind about a purchase (“Cancellation Period”). However, you lose your right to cancel your subscription once you start to use the Services (see more details about this in section 7.3). The Cancellation Period will expire 14 days after you accept these Terms.
7.2 If you change your mind and want to cancel these Terms, contact our Support Team at taixeoto.baobeo@gmail.com. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your cancellation request before the cancellation period has expired.
7.3 When you register for a subscription tier, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm that you consent for us to supply the Services to you during the Cancellation Period and that you acknowledge that this means you lose your right to cancel your subscription once you start to use the Services.
7.4 This means that you lose your right to cancel this contract once you start to use the Services by uploading audio files or converting text or audio and will only be entitled to a refund in accordance with our Refund Policy.
8. Termination or suspension by Sexy Connect
8.1 We may, at our sole discretion, without notice and without liability to you, immediately terminate or suspend your Account, or block your use of the Sexy Connect Platform, in the event that we reasonably consider that: you have violated these Terms; or you have violated any of our policies.
8.2 If we terminate your Account on the grounds set out in section 8.1, you shall not be entitled to any refunds.
8.3 If your Account is suspended, you will not be able to use the Sexy Connect Platform during any period of suspension.
8.4 We may also terminate or suspend your Account: if we decide to no longer provide the Sexy Connect Platform, for example due to technical, financial or legitimate business reasons; or for any reason on 30 days’ notice to you.
8.5 If we terminate your Account on the grounds set out in section 8.4, you shall be entitled to a refund in accordance with our Refund Policy.
8.6 You also acknowledge that we may cease to make the Platform available in any particular territory or region at any time without notice to you.
9. Uploading content to the Sexy Connect Platform and generating Conversions
9.1 As part of the Service, Sexy Connect provides access to Custom Voice Models generated by other Users. These Custom Voice Models may bear certain resemblances to the vocal characteristics of identifiable public figures or fictional characters. However, it is important to clarify that these Custom Voice Models are completely artificial creations, developed through the application of advanced machine learning algorithms. We do not claim any ownership, affiliation, or representation of these public figures or fictional characters whose vocal characteristics Custom Voice Models (generated by Sexy Connect) may resemble. Furthermore, the creation and provision of these Custom Voice Models do not constitute any endorsement, sponsorship, or partnership between Sexy Connect and the said public figures or fictional characters. All trademarks, names, and likenesses associated with these public figures or fictional characters are their respective properties.
9.2 You may upload details about your Custom Voice Models including (but not limited to) its name, description, tags or thumbnail images (“Voice Model Information”). You are fully responsible for keeping all Voice Model Information true, accurate and complete at all times.
9.3 You agree that Sexy Connect is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any Voice Model Information, and that Sexy Connect makes no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of any Voice Model Information or Conversions.
9.4 Sexy Connect is not responsible for the results obtained through use of the Services, including any Conversions. The User is responsible for using the Services including: any results produced by the Services, including any Conversions, and assessing the adequacy, reliability, safety, accuracy, completeness and compliance with applicable laws and industry standards, and other characteristics of the Conversions.
9.5 As part of the Services, Sexy Connect may provide access to Custom Voice Models as developed by other Users from time to time and allow the User to upload its own Custom Voice Models (“User Library”) to the Sexy Connect Platform, which may then be used to generate Conversions.. You may choose to make your User Library available to other Users or keep it private.
10. Using the Sexy Connect platform and services
10.1 To access the Sexy Connect Platform, you warrant and agree that: you have the legal right, power and authority to agree to these Terms and that these Terms constitute legal, valid and binding obligations enforceable against you; you will comply with Sexy Connect’s notices, guidelines and other rules that apply to your access to the Sexy Connect Platform and use of the Services, in each case as Sexy Connect may issue from time to time and notify to you via the Platform or by e-mail; you are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to access the Sexy Connect Platform. You are responsible for ensuring that your computer and/or portable device is compatible with our Sexy Connect Platform; you will access the Sexy Connect Platform and use the Services for lawful purposes only and, in your use of the Sexy Connect Platform and the Services, you will comply with all applicable laws; you will not make excessive or inappropriate use of the Sexy Connect Platform or the Services and will not interfere with another User’s use or enjoyment of the Platform or the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Service. You acknowledge that the Sexy Connect Platform and the Services are a shared service provided to a community of Users. Therefore, excessive or inappropriate use by one User may adversely affect the experience of other Users; your agreement with your mobile network and/or internet service provider (“Internet Providers”) will apply in respect of your use of data in connection with your use of the Sexy Connect Platform and that you may be charged by your Internet Provider in respect of such use. You accept responsibility for such charges; all information provided by you, including Your Content, to Sexy Connect is true, accurate and complete at all times. If there are any changes to the information you have previously provided to Sexy Connect, you will promptly update any such information within your Account or provide to Sexy Connect, as applicable; you have all the necessary rights, consents and permissions to upload Your Content to the Sexy Connect Platform and use it in connection with the Services, and such information does not violate the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party; except as set out in section 14.5 of these Terms, you will not use, or cause others to use, any automated system or software to extract content or data from the Sexy Connect Platform for commercial or non-commercial purposes, except where you or any applicable third party has entered into a written agreement with us that permits such activity; you will not interfere with, or disrupt, the Sexy Connect Platform or any servers or networks connected to the Sexy Connect Platform, including by transmitting any worms, viruses, malware, spyware or any other code of a destructive, malicious or disruptive nature. You may not inject content or code or otherwise alter or interfere with the way any page of the Sexy Connect Platform is rendered or displayed in a User’s browser or device; you will not access the Sexy Connect Platform via a means not authorised in writing in advance by us including, but not limited to, automated devices, scripts, bots, spiders, crawlers or scrapers (except for standard search engine technologies); you will not impersonate any other person (including another User’s account) or conduct yourself in a manner which is unlawful or offensive, or which may harass, defame, bully or intimidate any other person; you will not use false email addresses or any other means to mask your identity; you will not use the Sexy Connect Platform for any illegal or unauthorised purpose or in any way that advocates, promotes or assists any unlawful act such as (by way of example only) copyright infringement, computer misuse, or collecting or harvesting any information or data from our systems or servers; you will not use the Sexy Connect Platform in any way that (i) is defamatory of any other person, (ii) is obscene or offensive, (iii) promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age, or (iv) is likely to harass, upset, embarrass or alarm any other person; you will not change, modify, adapt or alter the Sexy Connect Platform or change, modify or alter another website so as to inaccurately imply an association with the Sexy Connect Platform or us; you will not circumvent, remove, alter, deactivate, degrade or thwart any of the content or protections in the Sexy Connect Platform and/or Services or any part thereof; you will not copy, modify, decompile or reverse engineer any part of the Sexy Connect Platform (including any of our software, products, processes accessible via the Services) including by attempting to derive the source code of any part of the Sexy Connect Platform; you will not act in a manner that may be perceived as damaging to us or the Sexy Connect Platform’s reputation and goodwill, or which may bring us or the Sexy Connect Platform into disrepute or harm; and you will not make a derivative work of the Sexy Connect Platform, or use the Sexy Connect Platform to develop any service or product that is the same as, or substantially similar to, or that competes with the Platform.
11. Availability of the platform
11.1 We provide the Sexy Connect Platform on the basis that Users must only use the Services for domestic and private use (not for any commercial or business purposes). We will exercise reasonable care and skill and act with professional diligence in providing the Services. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we give no warranty that, but will take reasonable steps to ensure that: the Sexy Connect Platform will be free of defects and/or faults; defects will be corrected; and the Sexy Connect Platform or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.
11.2 We will do our best to make sure that our Sexy Connect Platform (and any email that we sent to you in connection with the Sexy Connect Platform) is accurate, reliable, up-to-date and free from bugs, trojan horses or other harmful components.
11.3 We provide all content available on the Sexy Connect Platform in such format types as we determine.
12. Your content on the Sexy Connect platform
12.1 The Sexy Connect Platform enables you to: (i) upload User Data, Custom Voice Models, audio files, and other data and materials including Voice Model Information (“Your Content”); and (ii) generate Conversions. We may require that you upload Your Content in format types that we support via the Sexy Connect Platform and change such formats from time to time. You represent and warrant that you have all rights, permissions, and consents necessary to upload Your Content to the Service. Your Content must not: be or cause you to use the Sexy Connect Platform or the Services in any way that is prohibited under or in breach of these Terms; contain any material which is or may reasonably be considered to be threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, or in breach of confidence; be illegal or infringe any of the rights of any third party, in any country in the world; and be technically harmful (by way of example it must not include any computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data), together, “Infringing Content”.
12.3 We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of Your Content posted by you or any other User of the Sexy Connect Platform.
12.4 We reserve the right to monitor and review Your Content and the content of other Users, but do not have the obligation to do so. You acknowledge that, unless expressly stated otherwise, Your Content has not been verified or approved by us.
12.5 We make no guarantee that Your Content will be kept on the Sexy Connect Platform for any length of time, and we reserve the right to remove Your Content as we see fit, including if it does not comply with these Terms or removal is otherwise desirable for business or operational reasons. You are urged to keep back-up copies of any of Your Content submitted to us. The Sexy Connect Platform should not be used as your primary method to store or curate copies of your images, videos, text and Conversions, as Your Content may be removed permanently from the Sexy Connect Platform at any time, and we may not keep copies of Your Content.
12.6 You will notify us without delay by emailing taixeoto.baobeo@gmail.com if you become aware that any of Your Content is or becomes Infringing Content (as defined in section 12.2 of these Terms) and you will provide us with any and all information and assistance that we require to in order to identify and remove any Infringing Content from the Sexy Connect Platform.
13. Deleting your account
13.1 You can ask us to delete your Account at any time by navigating to your Settings page settings and requesting that we delete your Account.
13.2 We will delete Your Content within 30 days of receiving your request but we may retain relevant metadata (such as credit ledger history) on our systems for accounting and audit reasons for as long as is necessary to fulfil our legal and/or contractual obligations and/or for other legal purposes.
13.3 Once we have deleted Your Content, you have no right for it to be recovered. We recommend that you keep a copy of all of Your Content. If you wish to obtain a copy of Your Content prior to deletion, please request access to your data in accordance with your rights set out in our Privacy Policy.
13.4 When you delete your Account, your agreement with us will be immediately terminated.
14. Intellectual property rights
14.1 You acknowledge that Sexy Connect (or its licensors and suppliers) own all intellectual property rights in and to Sexy Connect Platform, Services, and any material, documents, information, data, reports methodologies and knowhow made available to you by Sexy Connect, and all modifications, adaptations and enhancements to the foregoing (“Sexy Connect IP”).
14.2 As between You and Voicify, you own the Conversions that you generate using our Services, provided they were created in accordance with these Terms. Sexy Connect makes no representations or warranties with respect to the current law that might apply to you and the ownership status of the Conversions. Due to the nature of artificial intelligence technologies, Conversions may also not be unique across Users and the Services may generate the same or similar results across Users.
14.3 By uploading Your Content to the Sexy Connect Platform, you hereby grant us and other Users of the Sexy Connect Platform a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free licence (which is unlimited in time) to: use, host and store all of Your Content to operate and provide the necessary functionality of the Sexy Connect Platform and the Services; publicly display, broadcast, transmit, and make available Your Content to Users via the Sexy Connect Platform in accordance with these Terms (except where Your Content is any Custom Voice Model you have uploaded for private use); copy, modify, translate and make derivative works of Your Content for use in connection with the promotion of the Sexy Connect Platform (except where Your Content is any Custom Voice Model you have uploaded for private use); to publicly display, broadcast, transmit, and make available Your Content (including in the form modified by us as described in point (c) above) to promote us, the Sexy Connect Platform, the User Library, in any media (including via our social media channels, in our advertising and in promotional materials), except where Your Content is any Custom Voice Model you have uploaded for private use; and to use Your Content for any other purposes as may be required by law.
14.4 Other than as expressly set out in these Terms, we do not grant you any right in respect of the Sexy Connect IP or any other materials. Any rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms are hereby reserved. Conditional on your compliance with these Terms, Sexy Connect grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited licence to access and use Sexy Connect IP solely to the extent necessary to receive the benefit of the Services (which shall not include the use of the Service by, or for the benefit of, any person other than yourself).
15. Confidentiality
15.1 As part of the Services, you may be given access to non-public information that Sexy Connect or its affiliates or third parties designate as confidential or should reasonably be considered confidential under the circumstances, including software, specifications, and other non-public business information (“Confidential Information”). You will not use, disclose, exploit, copy or modify such Confidential Information except as necessary to receive the benefit of the Services. You will keep Confidential Information secret and secure and apply at least the same level of protection as you use in respect of your own confidential or proprietary information of similar nature, using at least reasonable care.
15.2 The obligations of confidentiality in this section do not extend to any information that: is in, or has become part of, the public domain other than as a result of a breach of the obligations of confidentiality under these Terms; was developed by you independently of any Confidential Information disclosed by Sexy Connect; was independently disclosed to you by a third party entitled to disclose the same; or is legally required to be disclosed under any applicable law.
16. Links to third party properties
16.1 The Sexy Connect Platform (and emails that we send to you in connection with the Sexy Connect Platform) may include links to third party websites, applications and/or other digital properties (“Third Party Properties”) that are controlled and maintained by third parties including Suppliers or Specifiers (“Third Parties”). If you decide to visit any Third Party Property or use a service made available through, or purchase products via, a Third Party Property, you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the reputation of the relevant Third Party and the services they offer. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions expressed on Third Party Properties. Links that we make available do not imply that we are, or our Sexy Connect Platform is, affiliated to or associated with such websites or services.
17. Limitations of liability
17.1 You have certain legal rights when using the Sexy Connect Platform. These are also known as “statutory rights” as they are derived from laws such as the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015. Nothing in these Terms affects these rights.
17.2 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
17.3 All warranties, representations, conditions and all other terms of any kind whatsoever implied by statute or common law are excluded from these Terms to the fullest extent permitted by law.
17.4 Subject to this section 17 and any refunds owed to you in accordance with these Terms, our total aggregate liability under or in connection with your use of the Sexy Connect Platform, the Services or any matter arising under or in connection with these Terms shall be limited to the greater of: (i) Subscription Fees paid by you in the 12 months immediately preceding the month during which the liability arose; or (ii) £100.
17.5 Sexy Connect is responsible for losses you suffer caused by us breaking this contract unless the loss is: Unexpected. It was not obvious that it would happen and nothing you said to us before you accepted these Terms meant we should have expected it (so, in the law, the loss was unforeseeable); Caused by a delaying event outside our control. As long as we have taken the steps set out in section 18.2; Not caused by our breach of these Terms or our negligence; Caused by your use of the Platform in breach of these Terms; Avoidable. Something you could have avoided by taking reasonable action. For example, damage to your own device, which was caused by the Sexy Connect Platform and which you could have avoided by following our advice; or A business loss. It relates to your use of a product for the purposes of your trade, business, craft or profession.
18. Other important terms that apply to our contract
18.1 We can transfer our contract with you, so that a different organisation is responsible for supplying the Services. We’ll contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you’re unhappy with the transfer you can cancel your subscription by logging into your Account and follow the instructions for cancellation on the Settings page and we will refund you any payments you’ve made in advance for any Service not provided. You can only transfer your contract with us to someone else if we agree to this.
18.2 We’re not responsible for delays outside our control. Sexy Connect will not be liable to you for any failure to fulfil its duties under these Terms if and to the extent that such failure results from an act or event affecting the performance by Sexy Connect of its obligations under these Terms arising from events beyond its reasonable control (including, without limitation, natural disaster, pandemic, fire, flood, terrorist attack or an industrial dispute) we contact you as soon as possible to let you know and do what we can to reduce the delay. As long as we do this, we won’t compensate you for the delay, but if the delay is likely to be substantial you can cancel your subscription and contact our Support Team at taixeoto.baobeo@gmail.com to receive a refund for any Service you have paid for in advance, but not received, less reasonable costs we have already incurred.
18.3 Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you’re not allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it later.
18.4 If a court invalidates some of this contract, the rest of it will still apply. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.
18.5 Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. Nobody else can enforce it and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing it.
18.6 Governing Law and Jurisdiction. These Terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them, their subject matter or their formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. As a consumer, you may have a right to bring a claim in your local jurisdiction. In all other cases, the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with these Terms.
19. Notice All notices given by you to us may be given to us at taixeoto.baobeo@gmail.com. We will give notice to you via the Sexy Connect Platform or using the contact information you provided to us as part of your registration.
20. Raising concerns
20.1 If you have an enquiry, comment or complaint about Sexy Connect Platform or any of our Services, please submit a support request to our Support Team at taixeoto.baobeo@gmail.com.
20.2 If we are unable to resolve your complaint and you wish to raise a dispute or bring a claim against us, you may first seek to resolve this informally with us and if this is not possible, we will offer to engage in an impartial out-of-court dispute resolution procedure with you.